Found a Matlab script to run Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and compute power series
Adapted script to operate on input from .wav audio file
Ran analysis on Bach pieces and white noise sample
Did not find expected slopes for Power Series
Tuesday, 5/31 12:00-2:45pm:
Bach pieces were recorded with instruments that did not vary volume (amplitude) with time.
Ran power series analysis on Mozart piece played with violin, sample of
white noise (alpha = 0), and 1/f noise (alpha = 1)
Did find expected correlation; Mozart slope appears close to alpha = 1:
Power Series analysis of Mozart Piece and Alpha = 0 and Alpha = 1 Noise
Wednesday 6/1 10:25-11:25am, 2:00pm-5:00pm
Edited Matlab script to select only the data in frequency range of interest (~1/(time of piece) to 0.5Hz))
Worked on setting script to compute slope of best fit line of LogLog plot
Attended meeting with design group; Goal: Run power series analysis on pitch
sequence by this weekend
Helped transfer screenshots and print-outs of coordinates for Albany BGC Anishinaabe Arcs project
Friday 6/3 1:15-2:15pm, 3:30-5:30pm
Printed out Anishinaabe Arcs Projects
Taught Lesson #3 of Arcs Project at Albany BGC
Had students 1) Label graph paper with coordinate axis
2) Plot point from their arc printouts
3) Attach printouts to styrofoam and add bendable rods to
create their wigmwams
Students had far more difficulty with this than either of two previous lessons
3rd and 4th grade students were not familiar with using coordinate axis; they
labled the axis, but not at even intervals, and they needed individual instruction
Probably 3 or 4 of about 16 students were comfortable plotting points without any
help by end of the session; some other students made significant progress
Students who learned helped their classmates
Perhaps target age group for activity could be 5th or 6th grade
Saturday 6/4 2:00-2:45pm
- Worked on getting best fit line to logrhythmic plot of Power Series
- Difficulty adapting linear best-fit to logrhythmic plot
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