Monday, June 20, 2011

CSDT Work Monday 6/20-Sunday 6/26

Monday 6/20 9:15am-12:15pm:
  • From last Friday, calculated fractal dimension was not matching input fractal dimension
    • This is because analysis was being limited to a certain frequency range within the whole power spectrum
    • Analysis of whole power spectrum confirms calculated fractal dimension equals input fractal dimension
  • Produced graphs of various known power distributions

Tuesday 6/21 9:30am-12:45pm:
  • Measured processing time for analysis script for audio samples with various numbers of datapoints
  • Found processing time increased quadratically with number of datapoints
    • Nearly all time spent on calculating instantaneous pitch
  • Tested ways of decreasing processing time
  • Worked on computing instantaneous pitch in parts and concatenating

Wednesday 6/22 10:15am-11:00am, 12:30pm-3:45pm:
  • Continued work on computing instantaneous pitch piecewise
  • Attended weekly team meeting
  • Last week's goals accomplished up to loading the entire classical piece
    • Need to edit script to allow loading audio piecewise
  • Goals for next week:
    • Today, Thursday:  Finish editing script to process pitch of long audio files by breaking into parts
    • Friday: Minimize processing time for algorithm; analyze 7 minute classical piece
    • Monday: Repeat some of the analysis done in Professor Eglash's paper
      • Analyze several samples of poetry reading, prose reading, and a Capella music
      • Chart fractal dimension for each sample
    • Tuesday: Analyze rhythm produced using CSDT rhythm wheels
    • Wednesday (6/29): Prepare for meeting
Thursday 6/23, 10:00am-3:00pm:
  • Compiled photos, arc coordinate printouts, and screenshots from teaching Anishinaabe Arcs at Albany Boys and Girls club into zip archive
  • Finished script for analyzing wave files piecewise
    • Need to read the file piecewise
    • Script run time based amount of data Matlab has in workspace (not necessarily in scope)
  • Corrected fractal dimension calculation
Friday 6/24, 12:00pm-12:30pm, 3:30pm-5:45pm
  • Optimized script to find size of pieces to use to minimize run time
  • Tested script on known fractal dimension-audio and short Mozart audio clip

      Tuesday, June 14, 2011

      CSDT Work Monday 6/13 - Sunday 6/19

      Tuesday 6/14 9:15am-12:00pm, 1:45pm-3:30pm, 8:00-8:30pm:
      • Continued comparison of methods for computing instantaneous pitch of music file
      • Took notes on David Gerhart report (This is the report.)  
      • Compared time- and frequency- domain approaches, and various specific algorithms 
      Wednesday 6/15: 1:15-2:45pm, 8:00-9:15pm:
      • Read through report by UPF Music Technology group on melody extraction contest
      • Found toolbox for audio analysis
        • Includes pitch and salience extraction, segmentation, and many other features
        • Will try implementing in MATLAB
      Thursday 6/16: 8:15am-1:00pm, 2:30pm-3:45pm:
      • Used audio analysis toolbox to compute pitch waveform for several audio samples using autocorrelation
      • Experimenting with methods of smoothing or possibly quantizing pitch waveform
      Friday 6/17: 12:30pm-2:00pm:
      • Attempted to verify MATLAB script I am using to compute power series
        • Ran power series analysis for noise generated with MATLAB algorithm 
        • Tested 1/f^alpha for 15 values of alpha from 0 to 3.5
        • MATLAB script returned alpha values that were consistently 
          • 17% off for 1 sec samples
          • 31% off for 2 sec samples
          • about 40% off for 3 sec samples
        • Will test another noise generator and possibly another method of computing power series

        Wednesday, June 8, 2011

        CSDT Work Mon 6/6 - Sun 6/12

        Monday 6/6 11:00am-12:15pm, 3:30-5:00pm:
        • Completed Matlab script to plot best fit line with Power Series of Amplitude and display slope
        • Helped teach Arcs applet to Boys and Girls Club in Albany
          • Students constructed circular wigwams
          • Located points on life-sized grid (outside)
          • Attached saplings to grid using ties through holes drilled in saplings
        • Students seemed more comfortable with finding points on graph
          • Knew if given (-4,3), would have to move 4 in one direction and 3 in another from (0,0)
          • Often did not distinguish between x and y and positive and negative, especially for 3rd and 4th grade
        • Students enjoyed building wigwam
        • Offered an impromptu lesson on finding area using life-sized grid
          Tuesday 6/7 10:10-10:40am:
          • Began researching methods for finding instantaneous pitch of audio signal
            • Aim is to find power series of pitch
            • Analyze various musical genres and other audio building on Voss and Clark work (Nature, Vol 258 Nov. 1975, p. 317-318)
          Wednesday 6/8 10:20-10:50am, 1:30-3:15pm:
          • Continued researching methods for finding instantaneous pitch
            • Did not find any algorithms for using solely zero-crossing 
            • Began testing algorithm using "subharmonic to harmonic ratio" (geared towards speech)
          • Attended weekly planning/review meeting
          • Goals for next week:
            • Tues 6/14: Research pitch-detection algorithms
            • Wed: Test algorithms and compare performances; prepare for meeting
            • Thurs: Help compile report on teaching Anishinaabe Arcs at Albany Boys and Girls Club
            • Fri: Successfully compute instantaneous pitch of short audio clip using chosen method
            • Mon: Load longer (~7 min) classical composition piecewise into Matlab; 
              • Compute amplitude power series
              • Compute instantaneous pitch
            • Tues: Catch up; prepare for meeting
            • Next goal: compute power series of instantaneous pitch

          Saturday, June 4, 2011

          CSDT Work Monday, May 30 - Sunday, June 5

          Monday, 5/30 10:30am-11:45am, 2:45-3:45pm:

                    Found a Matlab script to run Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and compute power series
          • Adapted script to operate on input from .wav audio file
          • Ran analysis on Bach pieces and white noise sample
          • Did not find expected slopes for Power Series 

          • Tuesday, 5/31 12:00-2:45pm: 
          • Bach pieces were recorded with instruments that did not vary volume (amplitude) with time.
          • Ran power series analysis on Mozart piece played with violin, sample of 
          • white noise (alpha = 0), and 1/f noise (alpha = 1)
          • Did find expected correlation; Mozart slope appears close to alpha = 1:
          Power Series analysis of Mozart Piece and Alpha = 0 and Alpha = 1 Noise
          Wednesday 6/1 10:25-11:25am, 2:00pm-5:00pm
          •      Edited Matlab script to select only the data in frequency range of interest (~1/(time of piece) to 0.5Hz))
          •      Worked on setting script to compute slope of best fit line of LogLog plot
          •      Attended meeting with design group; Goal: Run power series analysis on pitch 
          •        sequence by this weekend
          •      Helped transfer screenshots and print-outs of coordinates for Albany BGC Anishinaabe Arcs project
          Friday 6/3 1:15-2:15pm, 3:30-5:30pm
          •      Printed out Anishinaabe Arcs Projects
          •      Taught Lesson #3 of Arcs Project at Albany BGC
          •           Had students 1) Label graph paper with coordinate axis
          •                        2) Plot point from their arc printouts
          •                        3) Attach printouts to styrofoam and add bendable rods to 
          •                           create their wigmwams
          •      Students had far more difficulty with this than either of two previous lessons
          •      3rd and 4th grade students were not familiar with using coordinate axis; they
                 labled the axis, but not at even intervals, and they needed individual instruction
          •      Probably 3 or 4 of about 16 students were comfortable plotting points without any 
                 help by end of the session; some other students made significant progress
          •      Students who learned helped their classmates
          •      Perhaps target age group for activity could be 5th or 6th grade 
          Saturday 6/4 2:00-2:45pm
          • Worked on getting best fit line to logrhythmic plot of Power Series
          • Difficulty adapting linear best-fit to logrhythmic plot