Goals for week:
- Clean up code for MATLAB script
- Create README document that explains functionality of MATLAB script and how to use it, and suggests future improvements
- Compile samples of output from MATLAB script
- Create a YouTube video summarizing the document
Monday 8/22, 10:30am-2:30pm, 3:30pm-4:30pm:
- Cleaned up code for MATLAB scripts
- Started Readme document
- Encountered problem analyzing audio files over 2 minutes: too many samples to compute power spectrum of amplitude
Thursday 8/25, 10:30am-2:30pm
- Tested method of reducing number of samples by a factor of 1/n by averaging groups of n samples and storing the series of these averages as a new waveform with sampling frequency (FSnew) of FSold/n.
- Problem: The average of data points for any number of samples significantly larger than the sampling frequency should converge to zero, since the waveform is a sinusoidal waveform with centered on zero.
- Some other method, possibly involving filtering, needs to be developed